Please read the Feature Comparison table to see the difference between "MathMagic Lite" and full featured "MathMagic Personal".This page contains the latest information about MathMagic Lite for macOS X.
MathMagic Lite Edition works well with most word processors like iWork Pages or Mellel, presentation software like Keynote or PowerPoint, graphic software such as PhotoShop, Illustrator, and more, via Copy and Paste, Drag and Drop, or Exporting in SVG, PNG, JPG and other formats. MathMagic Lite offers various symbols and templates for elementary ~ high school math and post-secondary math. It is a stand-alone application for writing and editing any mathematical expressions and symbols with easy-to-use interface and various powerful features. MathMagic Lite is a FREE equation editor. Thank you for choosing MathMagic, the ultimate equation editor on the planet! The 64-bit version may offer you more modern user interface. The 32-bit version may have a bit more features available.

On macOS X 10.14, you can use both 32-bit version and 64-bit version. If you are using macOS X 10.14 or newer, please use the 64-bit version. I have since switched back to Microsoft Word (360) since this is the best wordprocessor in terms of handling Hebrew (right-to-left functionality) references from Bookends, Styling and Export into InDesign.If you are using macOS X 10.14 or older, please use the 32-bit version. Basic things like styles, undo, formatting implmementations etc. Mellel just is not on the same level as Word, and I would say that anyone looking to build their own wordprocessor should at least use Microsoft Word as setting a certain standard of what should be. I tried also Scrivener and Nisus briefly but didn't find their support better than Mellel when it came to right-to-left support. That being said, the undo feature in Mellel was severely lacking and often didn't work, certainly undoing formatting changes didn't work. A number of footnote references from bookends were superscripted. When I converted to rtf from Mellel, the Hebrew words were all reversed, I imagine that is due to it's specific right-to-left implementation. It is not like Microsoft Word not that it claims to be, but Microsoft Word sets a very high standard of what should be standard things in the industry. I have been using Mellel for a good number of months. I think this would be of some use to people toying with this workflow.